Why I Almost Gave Up Writing

This is not a success story yet, but InshaAllah (In God’s will) I can write it one day.

I used to have a diaries when I was a kid and as I grew up I switched to Journals and planners. All of it started to fade in my life as smart phones offers a much convenient way of recording my life in full details like picture, on-the-go notes, voice and video recordings and more.

As I grew further in my life, I realized that recording my life is not much of any benefit for me when I die (that’s the reality). So, I started researching and observing the world around me and write about it. And I thought why not share it to others; I used different platforms online and settled here on WordPress.

I don’t have a regular job yet but I found contentment and joy in writing. I started writing last quarter of 2017 in my free time. Then with my limited knowledge, I found out that I can earn in blogging or earn as a full-time writer (to be able to publish my own book). It is like earning while doing what I like most. As a year passed along with my irregular posting, I felt down because there are almost no views or visitors, one digit followers, no likes and comments, so I thought I should quit and focus on something else.

Every time I divert my focus I always found myself writing. As I almost gave up, I researched I bit, and found lots of same stories that became successful after. They said, the main key to success is: patience, consistency and socializing. It fueled me, and tried my best to post at least every month, research more for better content (still learning and growing), Interact more and promoting my blog, and having more patience and praying and trusting God.

It is not something to boast about but my blog grew a little but still I am not earning from it. It made me feel down again, let’s say depressed. My part-time job ended, I started looking for a full time job, personal problems (💔) worsen and stopped posting.

Then I encountered this video:

In my previous posts, you’ll know that I have been exploring and learning other religions but this stood out for me. So I continue researching as I divert my mind in my personal 💔 and blogging issues, questions arise like, should I stop writing? Is writing wrong? How can anyone benefit from writing? Why am I writing? Why do I want to write? Is it worth it to continue? and so on..

So the video with other videos and articles, helped me clear up my mind. There are completely no problem in writing. It is okay to record what is happening, and it is okay to inform others through writing and it is okay to create a story that is within the realm of reality and that is not harming anybody and/or the society.

I realized that I am one of those who are blessed to be able to write. Able to recognize letters, write letters, a hand for writing, eyes for reading, ears for listening and mind that is able to understand and articulate, so why stop now. It drew me closer to my faith and to what I want to do most. I also realized that even though I am not yet earning in this blog, the main reason I started this is to record my ideas and thoughts and share it with others.


Don’t. Be patient, be positive and remember why you started it. Is it for attention, fame, or earnings? If you are still confused and can’t decide yet read more and visit more blogs so you can have an idea and a clearer goal.

My journey is still starting…

…and hopefully you can support me (like, follow and share 😊👍) as I learn more and grow more in doing what I love the most. To those who viewed, visited, liked, followed, subscribed and shared my blog, thank you. Every action counts.

I’ll be going through a new direction with my blogging. Before, I viewed blogging as a personal journal online but It’s not all about me. There are so much problem in the world to be addressed, what my sociology professor in college used to say “As long as there are problems, we can never stop writing”. What we can do as bloggers or as a member of our society is to keep learning, educate ourselves and have a broader understanding. It’s a simple contribution with so much power because as they say, “A pen is mightier than a sword”

I hope you can benefit and enjoy my writings and please feel free to correct or educate me.

I get most of my inspirations here:


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